Importance of values in the changing world / Význam hodnot v měnícím se světě
/vyučováno v angličtině/
The subject focuses on the question of values in the early 21st century: whether any exist, how one can discern them, the importance of certain values, and their changing significance. It explores the impacts of value dynamics in Euro-American society, addressing the possibility of overwhelming nihilism. The ethical perspective is applied to key topics in the Transcultural Communication study program, such as cultural heterogeneity, migration waves, the clash of civilizations, social and political polarization, and environmental issues. The final assessment is based on completing weekly assignments and active class participation, utilizing study literature and other sources. Additionally, the assessment depends on the final paper, comprising a few short essays written in class, explaining an issue and presenting the student’s ethical standpoint related to the studied topics.
Main topics – outline:
Course introduction (topics, relevance for diploma projects, readings, practicalities)
What are values?
1: The value of truth and the issue of fake news, populism, and conspiracy theories
2: The value of respectful conflict resolution and peace, Nonviolent communication
3: The value of spirituality and coexistence with people of diverse religions and beliefs
4: The value of participation and nondiscriminaton in a diverse society,
5: The value of gender equality
6: The value of living in harmony with the nature and the necessity of a transformative change for a sustainable world
7. The value of personal and collective solidarity to overcome poverty and exploitation
Summary, submission of learning diary
1st exam slot
SOKOLÍČKOVÁ, Zdenka. Challenges for transcultural communication. Ostrava: Moravapress, 2014.