Basics of Qualitative Research 1 / Metodologie kvalitativního výzkumu 1


/vyučováno v angličtině/

This course provides basic introduction of qualitative research in social sciences + introduces main fields of its implementation. This course presents essential theoretical approaches and principles of qualitative research and possibilities of application will be shown.

Main topics – outline:
1. Theoretical part
Relevancy of research and difference between qualitative and quantitative research, historical development of qualitative research
From hypothesis to research
Ethics in research
Main techniques of gathering of data in qualitative research
2. Methods of research
Entrance to research – fieldwork
Structured, semi-structured and unstructured interview + participant observation
Grounded theory and analysis, biographical-narrative interpretative approach – oral history
Ethnographic research, multi-sited ethnography, content analysis
Discourse analysis, hermeneutics, thick description (Clifford Geertz)
Visual approach, analysis of documents and photo-elicitation
3. Analysis and interpretation
Categorization, coding, possible analysis (causality, discursive etc.) and interpretations, folk concepts
Validity, reliability and generalizability of research
Interview and analysis – your own work

HENDL, Jan. Kvalitativní výzkum: základní teorie, metody a aplikace. Praha: Portál, 2012.
FONTANA, Andrea – FREY, James. The interview: From structured questions to negotiated text. In Denzin – Lincoln (eds.). Handbook of Qualitative Research. London: Sage, 2000. s. 645-672.