ThLic. František Burda, Ph.D.

Assistant professor

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ThLic. František Burda, Ph.D.

He lives with his family in the foothills of the Orlické hory Mountains. Under the title of Ars Poetica he has been involved in organizing camps for adults and workshops in a forest lair Ježkov.
Currently he gives time mainly to his own family, poetry, walking through landscape, voracious reading not to have to talk to anybody.
His research focuses on issues of cultural and social anthropology, the mimetic theory of culture by René Girard, the theory of social and charitable work, personal and spiritual development (not his own) and others.
Education, training, employment
2008 PhD thesis on the subject of Man in the early part of Karol Wojtyla, the study finished with a state doctoral examination
2007 licenciate work on the subject of man and his journey to freedom in the background humanistic conception of the twentieth century and rigorous examination
2004 – 2008 PhD studies KTF Charles University in Prague, field: dogmatic and fundamental theology
1999 – 2004 KTF UK Prague, field: catholic theology; discharge in the year 2004, work of spiritual theology on the theme: Hope despite all the hopelessness on the work of the French poet Charles Peguy
1998 – 1999 Theological convict of Litoměřice
1995 – 1998 the postulate and the novitiate in the monastery of Ordo Frater Minimorum in Vranov near Brno, in Rome and in Massa Lubrense near Neapole
1990 – 1993 PF UK Hradec Králové, ČSFR2009 – 2015 Assistant Professor PF UHK, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies
2008 – 2009 Teacher, Rašín´s high school in Náchod • 1995 Printer and bookseller later in the publishing house Cesta in Brno
1993 – 1995 Social worker in home for the elderly Malá Čermná u Hronova1986 – 1993 he co-led and after led the children tourist club Svižník
1987 – 1993 he was a member and later an organizer in the ecological movement Brontosaurus
1988 he wrote and directed in HK PH Club programs about music (Jimi Hendrix, The Velvet Underground, The Doors …)
1988 he founded samizdat publishing house (Kerouac, Hrabě, scientific publications on film and art …)
1990 he cofounded of the book antique shop in HK, until year 1993 he also co-led it
1990 – 1993 foundation and management of a film club in HK
1993 – 1999 establishment and management of the various free time and youth groups
2001 establishment and management of the association Quo Vadis in Nove Mesto nad Metují
2000 – 20011 organization, management, and program of the 13 camps for children and youth
2000 – 2004 organization of concerts, lectures and performances in Nove Mesto nad Metují
1999 – 2001 completion of the course Communication Center of agreement in Prague
2005 – 2006 management and organization of the educational preparatory course for leading children’s camps
2008 study stay in Krakow (PAT, Jagiellonian University)
2004 – 2015 main organizer and lecturer of annual symposium Ars Poetica in Zábřezí near Dvur Kralove nad LabemSelected bibliography
Responsible editor publishing of the book Charlese Péguy “Eva”, Náchod 2003, ISBN 8090125476, 214 s.
The collective monograph: Různé tváře chudoby, Hradec králové 2010, s. 59-67, ISBN 978-80-86472-49-2
The collective monograph: Krize v multikulturalismu: multikulturalismus v krizi. Ústí nad Orlicí, Oftis , Hradec Králové: Univerzita Hradec Králové, Pedagogická fakulta, 2012, 978-80-7405-188-3
monograph Člověk a jeho cesta ke svobodě na pozadí humanistických koncepcí dvacátého století. Hradec Králové 2011, 207 s. ISBN 978-80-7435-090-0
monograph Obraz člověka ve filosofickém světě Karola Wojtyly. Ústí nad Orlicí 2011, 335 s. ISBN 978-80-7405-123-4
monograph Naděje proti vší naději: Naděje v díle francouzského básníka Charlese Péguy, Ústí nad Orlicí 2012, 204 s. ISBN 978-80-7405-165-4
monograph O násilí v kultuře. Girardovské reflexe, Ostrava 2013, 126 s. ISBN 978-80-87853-01-6
monograph Kultura – doličný předmět perzekučního mechanismu, Ústí nad Orlicí 2013, 328 s. ISBN 978-80-7405-317-7
The collective monograph František Burda; Jan Hojda; Jana Karlová; Jan Sokol; Zdenka Sokolíčková: Člověk jako východisko dialogu kultur. Konceptuální předpoklady transkulturní komunikace, Ústí nad Orlicí 2013, s. 7-16; 35-49, ISBN 978-80-7405-315-3
monograph František Burda a Pavlína Rezková: Kulturní proměny údolí Erlitztalu, Ústí nad Orlicí 2013, 176 s. ISBN 978-80-7405-318-4
monograph Teoretická východiska praxe pomáhajících profesí, Ústí nad Orlicí 2014, 256 s. ISBN 978-80-7405-335-1
monograph Kultura služby. Teorie a praxe, Ústí nad Orlicí 2014, 475 s. ISBN 978-80-7405-336-8Relevant experience
Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, University of Hradec Králové organization of scientific conference From person to person, anthropological starting points of the transcultural communication
Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, University of Hradec Králové organization of scientific conference Human being as a foundation for dialogue among cultures
Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, University of Hradec Králové organization of scientific conference Multiculturalism or transcultural communication?
editorial work – publication Crisis in multiculturalism: Multiculturalism in crisis (Hradec Králové: Oftis)

Education and Training

scholarship (ERASMUS for teachers), Nitra Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa, Slovack Republic
scholarship (ERASMUS for teachers), Nitra Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa, Slovack Republic
Th.D in Faculty of Theology, Charles University in Prague
Th.Lic. in Faculty of Theology, Charles University in Prague
Master (Mgr.) in Cultural Studies, Department of Cultural Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Charles University in Prague

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ThLic. František Burda, Ph.D.