Úvodní prvek:
The subject is designed as an individual scientific discipline drawing from psychological knowledge and that can be utilized in the field of „so called“ helping professions. The subject provides the students with general insight into psychotherapy, presenting current psychotherapeutic schools. The presented knowledge may furnish the students with essential skills for working with clients. The subject’s objective is to provide students with knowledge about human health, its disorders, prevention and treatment of the these disorders by the ways of affecting the communicanon and relationship, with special utilization of knowledge of psychology and psychosomatic medicine. Another objective is to provide analysis of individual psychotherapeutic schools and show how the psychological approach can affect personality.
Syllabus: 1. Definition of the field of psychotherapy 2. Indication and the objectives of psychotherapy 3. Forms and means of psychotherapy 4. Psychotherapeutic relation and psychotherapeutic process 5. Factors of psychotherapy 6. Behavioral psychotherapy 7. Rogerian therapy 8. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy 9. Logotherapy and existential analysis 10. Gestalt therapy 11. Systematic therapy of the family.
Úvodní prvek: