Transcultural Paths to the Tissues of the Cultural Fabric

František Burda

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Transcultural Paths to the Tissues of the Cultural Fabric



Ways as specific demonstrations of man, except of its inner anthropological character, can help to point at and reveal complicated entanglements that are especially striking in the realms of functioning, scattering and confronting of various coexisting and antagonistic and yet complementary cultural, linguistic and national streams and traditions. In combination with coming out of oneself and complementary returning to oneself these semantic entanglements represent and provide significant transnational/transcultural, transethnic and last but not least also in the result transformative potential. Nevertheless it does not actualize itself automatically or mechanically by the sole fact of moving from one place to another one and by consummation the changingscenery of images, how it is happening in the frame of globalization of the western consumerism and nivelization. It much more depends on activation and drawing from thedonative and receptive character of dwelling in the world. In this perspective standing still and also unrooted cosmopolitanism occurs in any culture as missing with the world and also with oneself.

The monograph is in Czech only.

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Transcultural Paths to the Tissues of the Cultural Fabric